This is just a demo product. The shopping cart & checkout powered by MODx & FoxyCart.

The Landing page after the order placed successfully can be change (now set to design page).

The main feature after order placed is that the stock qty will be decreased by the ordered qty (sold items)

Setting up the store on foxycart & adding features to your site may take just a few hrs. First we set some test products - not visible for public and test. When all is fine & it's ready to go live we switch the code to be visible. After that users will be able to shop online and buy on your modx cms website. And Admin will start receive orders confirmations.

This product below is an example of complex product with options of size (different product code and weight)

* More views of foxycart basket available here click

And now you can select size of the t-shirt product which will be added to cart with different SKU and WEIGHT depending on your selection


Some instructions:

1. Test server is paypal sandbox. users of paypal can't login to sandbox paypal so it must be a test user with a unique email address in sandbox paypal (see issue description).
2. So, once the product is in basket click checkout.
3. either way is possible to go directly or via foxycart as you will still end up at foxycart checkout page.
4. create user at foxycart or use already registered.
5. verify payment details & pay.
6. view receipt as text or save as pdf (
7. user will be landed to thank you page and the foxycart admin email will recieve notification of the new transaction.

For ex.

Transaction #206182353451629 for has a pending PayPal Express Checkout payment
[email protected]

10:38 (1 minute ago)

to me
We recently processed a transaction (ID #206223452345181629) for your store through PayPal Express Checkout, and while the customer's payment has been captured, PayPal has responded to us that the payment is currently pending for the following reason:

The payment is pending because it was made to an email address that is not yet registered or confirmed. The payment will be deposited into the email address it was sent to once it is registered and confirmed as a PayPal account. You can confirm the email address the payment was sent to from the payments section of your stores FoxyCart administration.

Pending payments are held for 30 days by PayPal, after which time they're returned to the customer's account. We suggest actioning this as soon as possible to allow the funds to be released into your account and so you can complete the processing of your customer's order. If the payment is returned to the customer, you will need to contact them to organise another payment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

-Your web dev Team

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