It's a completed task of making rotating banners with text to be dinamic with magento cms. So, the hardcoded html/js from saved page (ttp:// was replaced with a free banner module from maganto connect website.

The integrated banner module is multistore right best fit for the client's multistore website powered by magento. Here is the admin area of edit page for banner item per English store of magento website:

Also, an example of banner item edit view (magento admin backend) and it's details preview on the magento website's frontend are available to below.

Editing the 2 boxes content (extended functionality of the standart module which has only 1 content field with WISIWIG) with magento build-in wisiwig per French store (Note: cache of magento: Admin should check the HTML source and if source is OK but front-end has different info then magento admin should clean cache from admin -> system-> cache mnagement)

Saving changes and checking the front-end of the magento website's French store on the page with banners:


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