Payment systems

The following payment systems supported by our team:

- google checkout on MODX Revo as shopping cart for your products

- paypal subscriptions for your content MODX Revo 

- paypal checkout for you products as 2 variants for MODX evo and 1 variant for MODX revo

- stripe (*new) subscriptions for your content MODX Revo only but probably ported to MODX evo soon

As long as the paypal express checkout is very commonly used at the moment a demo on this site introduced.

There are a few demo products:

When min 1 item added the left side section with Shopping cart changes from Empty to the list of added items as well as the Checkout link.

If order is placed the system allows to pay with paypal immediatelly, see below the admin area of MODX CMS manager (CMS back-end) view:

May we recommend:
iOS (iPhone/iPad) Compatiable slides powered by MODX (CMS/HTML/JS)  Menus and Lists  export orders into warehouse software  Build you own product and order in opencart