New products in MODx shopping cart by Ditto
Tricks and tips to retrieve only Products assigned as new :
1. Make a checkbox TV call [NEW] , assign this per Product Page, and include the following Sorting Code
Ditto? &parents=`8` &orderBy=`createdon ASC` &tpl=`Product_Detail` &depth=`2` &showInMenuOnly=`1` &hideFolders=`1` &filter=`NEW,featured,7`
the &filter parameter can have the following values:
is not equal to the criterion (!=)
is equal to the criterion (==)
is less than the criterion (<)
is greater than the criterion (>)
is less than or equal to the criterion (<=)
is greater than or equal to the criterion (>=)
does not contain the text of the criterion
does contain the text of the criterion
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This should be a good way to display new products section
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